You are invited!

The District of North Vancouver is in the final stage of the Lynn Valley Town Centre planning and design process and we would like your input. Following extensive public consultation regarding the implementation planning directions for Lynn Valley Town Centre, draft Lynn Valley Town Centre Public Realm Guidelines have been prepared for community consultation. These guidelines establish the look and feel of the public spaces (plazas, streetscapes, greenways, parks etc.) within the emerging Lynn Valley Town Centre. You are invited to attend one of two open houses to provide feedback on these guidelines. Or if you prefer, all materials and opportunities for input will also be available online at identity.dnv.org. To view the poster, please click here.

Open House events will take place on: SUNDAY JAN 25, 2 PM - 4 PM and WEDNESDAY JAN 28, 7 PM - 9 PM 
Location for both events: Lynn Valley Library Community Room

Coach House Adopted

On November 17th, 2014, Council adopted Bylaw 8036 which enables coach houses in the District. Council also received for information the draft “Coach House How To Guide” which outlines the basic conditions of development and design under which Development Variance Permit Applications for coach houses will be considered.

To view the bylaw, click here.
To view the Draft Coach House How To Guide, click here.

Update: Public Realm Guidelines for Capilano Village Centre Coming Soon!

New public realm design guidelines are being prepared that are intended to foster a distinctive “made in Capilano” character and sense of place for the village centre. Proposed new parks, plazas, greenway connections and two new pedestrian-oriented streets are integrated into a fully accessible network that will enhance liveability within the centre.

The guidelines integrate sustainability initiatives including rain gardens, use of durable materials, permeable paving, all within a people-first framework that encourages walking, cycling, transit use and universal access.

To view the summary presentation to Council by Staff and PWL Consulting, please click here.

Update: Lower Capilano Village Centre - Housing Options for the Peripheral Area

On July 21st, 2014, District Council approved the housing policy and design guidelines for the Lower Capilano Peripheral Area. Thank you to everyone who participated in any of the six workshops, two surveys and various small group meetings with residents and builders over the last 14 months.

To view the Lower Capilano Village Centre: Peripheral Area Housing Policy & Design Guidelines, please click here.
To view the Council Report on this initiative, please click here.
To view the staff presentation on the proposed housing policy presented at the July 21st Council meeting, please click here.

Update: Exploring Coach Houses in the District of North Vancouver – Results of Community Engagement and Next Steps

On July 22nd, 2014, Council’s Committee of the Whole received a summary of feedback from residents regarding a proposed gradual entry approach to Coach Houses in the District. Thank you to everyone who attended one of the District’s seven open house events or perused displays at libraries or completed a survey and provided valuable feedback. Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw to enable coach houses and a detailed How-to Guide for their development which will be considered by Council this fall.

The District would like to congratulate Murray Wooding and Chris Trendell who are both lucky winners of a one-month North Vancouver Recreation membership prize drawn from all participants in our Coach House survey.

To view the Committee of the Whole report, please click here.
To view the staff presentation to the Committee of the Whole regarding the coach house community engagement, please click here.

Additional materials:

 Lower Capilano Village Centre - Housing Options for the Peripheral Area

On June 16th, Council’s Committee of the Whole (CoW) discussed the draft housing policy for the Lower Capilano Village Centre Peripheral Area (click here for staff report and presentation). Staff are now refining the draft policy based on the CoW’s feedback and preparing the final housing policy for Council’s consideration. We anticipate the proposed housing policy will be forwarded to Council in July. Check the Council agenda at www.dnv.org to confirm when this item is on the agenda.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the May 28 community workshop at the Grouse Inn – we were pleased to see so many of you in attendance! At the workshop, a draft policy was presented on the potential low-density housing options (duplexes, triplexes, town houses, and low-rise apartments) on key sites surrounding the future village core. The policy reflects previous community input, our Official Community Plan, the Lower Capilano Village Centre Plan policy, and feedback gathered during previous community workshops.

For those of you who couldn’t make, here are links to the workshop materials:

We welcome your input and encourage you to connect with us via email (identity@dnv.org), telephone (604-990-2421), or in person (call 604-990-2421 to book a meeting with staff and a group of your neighbours). Please submit your feedback to us by June 13, 2014 (we’ve extended the deadline to hear more from you).

What’s next? We’ll refine the draft housing policy based on your feedback and then bring it forward to Council for discussion at the June 16 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Please check our website dnv.org to confirm the agenda for June 16 (occasionally agenda item are changed).  Based on that discussion, the policy will be revised and brought to Council for consideration in the coming months.

Exploring Coach Houses in the District of North Vancouver – Open House Display and Feedback Opportunity

All residents are invited to view displays and provide feedback on a proposed program to consider coach houses in the District of North Vancouver under certain conditions. We encourage you to come to one of our open houses:

  • Thursday, May 22nd , 2014 – 6:00pm to 9:00pm at Highlands United Church (Lower Hall), 3255 Edgemont Boulevard,  with presentation at 7:15 pm
  • Saturday, May 24th , 2014 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Highlands United Church (Lower Hall),  3255 Edgemont Boulevard,  with presentation at 12 noon
  • Thursday, May 29th , 2014 – 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Court, with presentation at 7:15 pm
  • Saturday, May 31st, 2014 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Court, with presentation at 12 noon.
  • Saturday, May 31st, 2014 – 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Lynn Valley Days, 3590 Mountain Highway.
  • Thursday, June 5th, 2014 - 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Brooksbank Elementary School (Gym), 980 E 13th St, with presentation at 7:15 pm.
  • New Event!
  • Sunday, June 8th, 2014 – 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at Blueridge Elementary School, 2650 Bronte Drive.

Can't make it to an event? All information is available below:

For further information on this proposed program, please contact Phil Chapman, Lead Planner at pchapman@dnv.org or at (604) 990-2373.